Friday, March 5, 2010

Prego friends

Some of you have asked for a belly shot and this is the best I can do for now. My best friend Laura is pregnant with her second child and is due a only few days after me. We have been friends since 7th grade and have shared many life experiences together. And interestingly, so have our husbands - Chris and Ryan have been friends just about as long! It's so fun to have someone close to share this experience with and it will be wonderful to have an experienced mom to answer all of my 'new mom' questions. Hopefully, I won't drive her too crazy!

I'm almost 18 weeks in the picture and starting to look a little more 'baby belly' than 'freshman fifteen'. I've done a little shopping for maternity clothes, but I'm trying to hold off until the weather gets warmer (Spring PLEASE hurry!!). And, yes, if you've seen Laura's blog, I 'borrowed' her picture because it was better than any that we took.

1 comment:

  1. You and Laura look so cute! How "special" it is that ya'll are sharing these important memories, and the same for Chris & Ryan! I'm so happy to see the first signs of a "baby bump"! Luv ya!
