Thursday, March 18, 2010

What's in a name?

Now that we know we're having a boy, the most common question I'm asked is 'Have you picked out a name yet?'. The short answer is not yet... we have just started discussing names and have a few that we like so far. However, we have agreed that when we do decide, we will keep it to ourselves until he's born. We know this will upset some people, but we have good reasons. Mainly, since we did announce the sex, we'd like to keep something as a surprise for his birthday. And who knows, we may change our minds when we meet him, so we don't want any monograms until it's on the birth certificate.

In the meantime, several friends have given him a 'pseudo name' of Henry, which is definitely not a finalist. Although I like the name, Henry Henretty is borderline cruel - just try saying it several times really fast. So for now, feel free to just call him Henry.


  1. I'm with you! Gives us all something to look forward to!

  2. Guess you answered my question about telling us the name of the baby, huh? I think it's a good idea. Jay & Cheri had two names picked out for each of their children....and decided after they saw them which name "fit"! Might be something ya'll want to do.

  3. Ha ha- Henry Henretty! You'll know when you meet him! What if he does look like a Henry??? :)

  4. Callen, Tom calls him "Little H"!! Think that will stick?
