Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Preparing for discharge!

Mason continues to do well with his bottles and we're starting to check off the required steps for discharge! He passed one big milestone yesterday with his 'angle tolerance test' (car seat test). All preemies have to sit in their car seat for 1.5 hours while their breathing and heart rate is monitored. If their neck muscles aren't developed enough, it can restrict their breathing and cause apnea. We knew Mason would be fine since he is older now, but we are glad that he passed and we got it out of the way! We're one step closer! According to his doctors, he is ready for discharge, but there is one thing holding him back. He was taken off the caffeine for his apnea on Monday because he shouldn't need it anymore. Hospital policy is to keep him for 7 days after stopping the caffeine to make sure that the apnea doesn't return. So, Sunday is the day, however, his doctor said she may override it and let us go a few days early if he continues to do well. He has had NO apnea or brady episodes since he came back to Northside.

He looks so tiny in his car seat - I know it won't be long before he barely fits in it!
He really enjoyed it, so I think he's going to be a good car rider. 'Where we going, mom?'


  1. Am I dreaming?? I can't believe this day is almost here! We are all so thrilled for you & Chris! The car seat picture is one of my very favorites...just love that expression on his little face! He's definately a "Henretty"!

  2. WOO HOO!!! I am so excited for all of you! I can't wait for you to get him home so you can wake up with him next to you every morning! It seems all our prayers are being answered!
