Thursday, August 12, 2010

Learning the ropes

We've really enjoyed our first week with our little man. It's a little strange because, although he is 2 months old, he is still a newborn in many ways. And even though Chris and I spent a lot of time caring for him in the NICU, this is our first time with him 24/7. So far, his nighttime sleeping has been hit or miss. He has slept great a few nights, but didn't sleep much at all the others. I think part of the problem is that he was sleeping too much during the day, so we're working on that. One good thing from being in the NICU is that the boy can sleep through ANYTHING. People talking, TV, barking dogs, you name it - if he's asleep, he won't even flinch. We actually had to move him into his own room at night because our room was too quiet for him. We have a 'sound sleeper' in his room and he does much better when it is turned up very loud and light is left on (not just a nightlight).

We had his first pediatrician appointment on Tuesday and he's doing great (like he hasn't seen enough doctors in past few months, huh?). He weighed 7lbs 7oz and was 19 inches long. Both were in the less than 3 percentile for his age, so he has some catching up to do. It shouldn't take long the way he is eating! And while we were at the pediatrician, he rolled over from his back to his tummy! I know it will be a while before he does it consistently, but we were so proud of him!

He really likes his activity mat. And Shadow likes to stay close by her brother.
Not too crazy about tummy time yet.
We're so lucky to have Mason's Nana (Chris' mom) staying with us this week. She has been a HUGE help!! And Mason's 'aunt' Lily just adores him.
See, he really likes his mat.
Nap time!
And Mason's first bath at home. He was really fussy that night and wasn't very happy about it.

1 comment:

  1. Such cute pics...what a treat! He is a precious baby! We're so happy things are going good! You & Chris look like "real pros"! Love to you all...
