Sunday, December 30, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012!

I can't believe it's almost 2013! We had a great Christmas and I want to share a few pictures from our fun and busy December. I tried to plan one family outing every weekend and I hope we started some traditions that we can continue over the years. This year we had brunch with Santa at a local restaurant. It was a huge hit and Mason loved Santa. I can't believe in his 3 Christmases, we have never had a crying picture with Santa! And Matthew enjoyed it too. Another day we went to ride the Riches (now Macy's) Pink Pig. This is an Atlanta tradition and it's really nothing more than a pig shaped train, but Mason loved it (except for the 1.5 hour wait). I'm sure we'll add to these traditions as the boys get older. We spent the weekend before Christmas with my family on the farm. The boys had a blast as usual. And we were VERY excited to find out on Christmas that we will have a new sister-in-law/aunt and niece/cousin joining our family! Lamar and Brittney are engaged and we can't wait for the wedding next year. Mason and Breanna have a great time playing together and act like cousins already (i.e. fight over toys :-)

We spent Christmas Eve and day at our house. It was so much fun this year since Mason is starting to get it. Unfortunately the 'Santa threats' didn't really help with his behavior yet, but he loved the tree and I think he understood about Santa and Jesus' birthday. Mimi gave him a toy nativity set and he loved to put Jesus and the animals in the stable and would even sing Happy Birthday. When we asked him what he wanted from Santa, all we could get out of him was a 'Mickey Car'. He got that and quite a few other things. The other night we asked him what Christmas was about. He thought for a minute and finally said 'The Tree!!'. Then we asked him whose birthday we celebrate on Christmas and he correctly answered 'Jesus'. I can't wait until next year!

Chunk's first Christmas!
Matthew's class in the DCA Christmas Program.  He's the adorable king - 3rd from the left.

And Mason's class doing a nativity scene. He's the shepherd in green (behind Jesus)
Santa's little helper

His bib says 'Whatever Santa doesn't bring, Grandma will'. So true :-)
Mason and Breanna playing together after opening A LOT of gifts

Breanna showing Mason how to drive his new Jeep!
Matthew would make a pretty girl, dontcha think?

Sweet brothers on Christmas eve
The aftermath on Christmas morning!

Mason with his 'big Buzz' from Santa (he already has a little Buzz)
Mason's version of a nativity scene. Lions, giraffes, a nurse and a circus dog. Why not?
 We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season with their families and loved ones!

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