Sunday, June 3, 2012

Life with two!

We are adjusting to life with 2 boys under the age of 2 (at least for a few more days - I can't believe my 'baby' is almost 2!). It is hectic at times, but we're doing OK.  We're lucky that Mason recently entered a very independent phase and has only had a few instances of jealously over the baby.  He has reverted a little bit into the 'baby' stage.  He always wants to play with anything for the baby (playmat, swing, carseat, etc), wants to be held all the time now and keeps stealing all of Matthew's pacifiers (nevermind that fact that Mason wanted nothing to do with them as a baby).  Matthew is a pretty good baby, but we are dealing with a little reflux (at least that's what I think it is).  He is obviously uncomfortable after feedings, so some nights it is very difficult to get him back to sleep.  Despite the reflux, he is eating like a champ and has earned the nickname of 'Chunk' because of his significant weight gain his first few weeks.  Here are some cute pictures from the past few weeks.

No, he's not anywhere near potty trained, but we're trying to get him used to the potty.

We went to get ice cream at the Frosty Caboose on Memorial Day weekend.  It was a hit!
This cracked me up.  One afternoon he packed his 'bags' and told me 'bye'.  I have no idea where he was going.  Perhaps he had enough of baby brother?
He loves his new wagon from Aunt Donna.  He puts his favorite toys in it and pulls them around the house.
 Baby Matthew at 2 weeks old after a bath.  He's still not quite sure about this bath thing.
And our 'Chunk' on his due date (3.5 weeks old) weighing in at a whopping 10 lbs (I'm glad he was early).

Love that pout!  This is about one week old.

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