Friday, June 8, 2012

Letter to my two year old

Mason is two years old!  Where has the time gone?  We waited so long for you and you were our little miracle when you arrived.  We see more of your personality every day and I am so proud of the little boy you are becoming.  You are so much fun to be around and you never ever sit still unless you are asleep or strapped into your carseat.  You are very social and love going to school every day to play with your friends and teachers.  You are very smart and I am amazed at how quickly you are learning new things.  You are also very affectionate and love to give hugs and kisses, although I can hardly get you to cuddle with me anymore.  You love Elmo, Little Einstein's, puzzles, books, animals, BALLS and keeping your toys neat and put away (kind of an obsession right now).  You are very stubborn (just like mom and dad) and you do not like it when you don't get your way.  We're working on that :-).  You'd stay outside all day long if we let you - especially swimming or playing on your water table.  I am so proud of the big brother you are to Matthew and I can't wait to see you both grow up together.  I am so blessed to be your mommy! 

Happy Birthday sweet baby boy - we love you so much!!

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