9 month stats:
- Weight - 18lbs, 8oz (25th%); Height - 26.75" (10th%); Head - I think she wrote down the wrong measurement, but it was 25th%; Still a little on the smaller end, but catching up nicely.
- Eating 3 'solid' meals a day plus 4 (6oz) bottles of formula.
- Still my good sleeper with about 12 hours most nights (7ish to 7ish). We've had a few sleeping issues recently with random wakings at night and very early in the morning. We keep blaming it on teething, but we have yet to see a tooth...
- He's saying syllables that kind of sound like words. Da-da-da-da-da-da is his favorite. Nothing that even remotely sounds like 'mama'
- He sits up very well. He's completely stable and we can leave him playing on the floor by himself for a while. He also likes to stand with support on his tippy-toes.
- When he gets really excited, he does this little 'happy dance'. He wiggles his whole body from side to side. It is so cute!
- Eating. Still eats pretty much anything. He started spitting at me when he eats, which he thinks is hilarious. I spent the past week giving him a stern 'No' and walking away from the table and he seems to have learned it is not acceptable. He's still testing me though.
- Loves being outside - stroller rides, the baby swing at the park and anything outdoors.
- His current favorite toys are his $.99 plastic ball and a stuffed pair of fuzzy dice that daddy got somewhere.
- Loves his exer-saucer - especially the little piano toy on it.
- Enjoys bath time and has started kicking and splashing everywhere. We graduated to his inflatable ducky tub (a gift from Ken & Misty :-).
- Naps. We have still made little progress. The kid just refuses to nap.
- Tummy time. He may never crawl - he throws a fit the second you roll him over.
Mason got his 'big boy' carseat last weekend. He seems to like it so far!
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