Monday, February 22, 2010

Bouncies and booties and blankets, Oh My!

This weekend, I did a little shopping for Baby H. This was a big step for me since these are the very first baby items I have purchased. It felt a little strange, but it was really fun (and a bit overwhelming) to start planning and thinking about all the things we will need to get ready for his or her arrival. A friend and I went to a local consignment sale where we found a few bargains on some gently used toys and baby items. I bought a bouncy seat, play mat, activity desk and a beautiful wooden rocking horse (I was somewhat of a horse freak as a child, so just in case he/she takes after me). I tried not to go too crazy since I know we'll register for most of the essentials, but I couldn't resist picking up a few things. Some of them we may even use as a backup for the lake or grandma's house.

Baby H is already very loved and has received a few adorable baby gifts. 'Aunt' Laura gave us a beautiful teddy bear and 'aunt' Margie gave us a swaddle blanket and very colorful booties. All of these items are in his or her future nursery and I can't wait to start planning and decorating the room. It's going to be so cute!!


  1. Well hello and welcome to Blogspot!! I need a 'before' shot of the nursery! Happy 17 weeks!

  2. CONGRATS!!! I am so excited for you and Chris!

  3. Congratulations, Callen. We are very happy for you and Chris and are anxiously awaiting the arrival of "baby Henretty"!

  4. Congratulations Chris and Callen!! Kathy shared your website and I am so thrilled for you!! Hearing baby's heartbeat and kick is so reassuring and exciting! The three of you are on such a miraculous journey of joy and love. I look forward to following along.

    Love to all of you, Great-Great Aunt Susan
