Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sickly summer

This is my poor baby on Day 5 of the virus from hell. Yes, ladies, he's single...

July has been a rough month for us. Mason was sick the week of the fourth of July and just recently fully recovered from that. Then I was called to pick him up from daycare on Monday because of a fever. After 2 trips to the doctor and a very long week at home, he's finally on the mend from a nasty virus. We had a few really scary days when we could not get his fever below 103, even with alternating tylenol and ibuprofin. I know he's building up his immune system now and hopefully it will pay off when he starts 'real' school, but mommy and daddy need a little break please!!


  1. POOR BABY!! He looks soooo tired! Awwww. Tell him Uncle Bubba is thinkn bout him. Hope he gets well soon. I'm sure yall need a break. Love you guys. lamar

  2. OMG!!! It hurts my heart to see our little guy looking so pitiful! And this is "Day 5"?? Lamar didn't look that bad when he had his downhill bicycle wreck...ate asphalt & knocked out two teeth! I hope Mason is getting lots of love, hugs, and kisses! Love you "baby boy"!

  3. Ah! Bless his little heart!! Here's hoping for a MUCH better August!!
