Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What a difference a week makes!

I'm a few days late, but Mason celebrated his one week birthday on Monday. We are amazed at the progress he has made in one week. He is still breathing on his own without any oxygen or breathing support. He has a few apnea episodes each day (where his breathing and heart rate decreases significantly), but that is expected and should diminish as his lungs get stronger. It seems to happen during his tube feedings, so the doctor suspects he may have some reflux that is causing his breathing distress. They are making a change to his feeding schedule to see if that helps.

We attempted his first bottle and breast feeding session this week. He did OK, however, the doctor decided to hold off a week on the bottle because he's not quite ready. Babies usually don't have the coordination to suck, swallow and breathe at the same time until 34 weeks gestation (Mason would be 33 now), so we will try again next week. He is gaining weight and is almost back up to his birth weight (currently 4lbs, 2oz).

The goals for now are for him to improve on his breathing with fewer apnea episodes and continue gaining weight. Hopefully next week the mouth feedings will go better. That will be our next big milestone and I've heard it just takes time, patience and practice! Here's a few pictures from the week.

Mason on his one week birthday (in the adorable onesie that Miss Lisa gave him)! Look how long and skinny he is!

Mommy attempting his first bottle. He wasn't quite sure what to do with it.

Mason at 9 days old - napping in Mommy's arms

And being held by Grandma Young for the first time. She is going to spoil him rotten!

1 comment:

  1. He is so adorable, and yes he is long! We're so proud of him for already doing so well! He will learn how to do it all in time for sure. We love you guys!
