We're starting to see more personality and there is one thing that I think Mason gets from his mommy. He LOVES being out of the house and exploring new places! I'm getting braver about taking him out to run errands and if he isn't sleeping, he is just amazed at the world around him. It is so cute. I am still
germaphobic and practically bathe in hand sanitizer after each errand, but I think it's been good for him to get out of the house. He already had his second trip to the lake. This time he stayed with Mimi and Dee all day so mom and dad could go to their first Georgia game of the season. Unfortunately, we wish we had skipped it and I now retract my earlier statement about it being a good season. Oh well...
Mason's current likes:
- Ceiling fans
- Chandeliers (if it is a ceiling fan WITH a chandelier, he's entertained for hours)
- Bath time
- Mirrors (who wouldn't want to look at that cute face?)
- Eating
- Napping on anyone who will hold him (the grandmas are not helping me break this habit)
Mason's current dislikes:
- Napping anywhere he should (i.e. crib, pack-n-play)
- Diaper changes
- Being left alone when he is awake
As you can see, the 'dislike' list is very short. He continues to be our very sweet, laid back baby and it doesn't take much to make him happy. If I had to describe him in one word, it would probably be 'content'.
We're starting to get more smiles, but I'm not quick enough with the camera.

Watching football with Dee - he's trying to teach him how to say 'War Eagle'

Cute family (mom and dad are a little sunburned from the game)

My sweet boy