Mason started gradually taking breast milk last night by tube and so far, no spitting up! It looks like the surgery was successful and his pyloric
stenosis has been fixed. I didn't mention it before, but the pyloric stenosis has absolutely nothing to do with his early arrival. He would have had it even if he had been full term and it may have been more serious since he wouldn't have already been in the hospital being monitored closely. We were working on his bottle feedings and reflux before this little road block, so we're hoping to get transferred back to
Northside to continue that. The 7
th floor nursery where we were is strictly dedicated to preemie feeding issues (it is referred to as the 'feed and grow' nursery), so we had full access to doctors, physical therapists and lactation consultants who specialize in that area. Plus, we have a really good relationship with the doctors and nurses and they know his history. Everyone at
CHOA has been great, but since it is a surgical and critical care
NICU, teaching preemies how to eat isn't exactly their thing. Unfortunately
Northside doesn't have a spot for us yet, so we hope to get back over there tomorrow. How ironic that we WANT to go back!? Until then, Chris and I are spending as much time as possible at the hospital since the doctors here don't know his history and there has been a bit of miscommunication. I brought my laptop today, so I have plenty of time to blog (the connection here is too slow for anything productive like working). It has been a long and exhausting week to say the least!
Being over here has really given us some perspective and helped us realize that we're very lucky, even with the setbacks Mason has had. There are many critical babies here with very serious and sometimes long term problems. Please say a little prayer for all the
NICU babies (and older children) here at
Last night, poor Mason had to have an IV put in his head. His IV came out and he was out of good veins since he has been poked so much lately, so it was the only option. At least they didn't have to shave his head for it. And we hope to get it out as soon as he is on full feeds. Here's a picture of my little
I can't wait to see our precious little one without those tubes & wires! Maybe soon? He's done better than I ever imagined....what a sweetheart!! I just KNOW our hospital days are almost over! We love you!