We've had a pretty uneventful week (which is a good thing!). The doctor decided to keep Mason on the tube feedings all week to make sure that the apnea stayed under control. Thankfully, it did, and he got plenty of much needed rest. We finally got the go ahead to feed him bottles again on Friday and he's doing pretty good so far. The reflux seems better (thanks to the prevacid finally kicking in) and he has not had any serious breathing episodes. He isn't as eager to eat as he was before and it takes a lot of coaxing to get it down. We think it's because they changed the supplement in his breast milk and he doesn't like the taste. That was one of the failed attempts to help the reflux, so they're switching it back tomorrow. He's currently taking 4 bottles per day and we will increase it Monday if he continues to do well. He was also moved to a room with a window view! We're hopeful that he'll start to recognize night and day a little bit before he comes home (yea, right).
Mason is growing like a weed. He's up to 6lbs, 4oz and we can tell he's 'filling out'. He is also noticing more of his surroundings and he loves watching his mobile and sucking on his pacifier. He's still a very laid back baby and rarely cries or gets upset. There was a delay with his bottle this morning and he was obviously hungry, but he just squirmed and grunted until it arrived - no crying at all! Now that he's awake more often, I'm starting to feel like we're missing out on things since we're only there a few hours a day. I'm so ready to get him home and pray that his feedings continue to go well. Here's a few pictures from the week. I haven't been taking very many - I'll try to do better!
Sucking his thumb again. He was on a nasal cannula until Tuesday because of his apnea episodes.

Sleeping in his boppy pillow. Yes, he has socks on his hands because he keeps trying to pull out his feeding tube and mittens don't stay on as well.
Wow! What a big boy!! SOOO glad the prevacid seems to have kicked in. Here's hopin' for a great week next week!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! Mason is growing so much! I can't believe he's already over 6 lbs. He's so adorable, and I love the pics. I'm so happy to hear he's doing well with the new methods. Praying that he keeps doing well and comes home soon!