Friday, December 16, 2011

Santa Sagas

We had a few 'Santa difficulties' this year, but it all worked out as you can see from the adorable picture. I was trying to avoid the mall because I hate Christmas crowds. Plus, I was fully expecting a screaming/crying Santa picture this year, so I didn't want to spend $40 on their 'picture package' (no personal cameras allowed). So, first we tried the Marietta square where we went last year (First trip to see Santa). We got there early on Saturday and there was a small line. We still don't know what was going on, but we did not move in 45 minutes and finally gave up (it was COLD). The next day, I tried Bass Pros Shops. It was a Sunday, so I expected a wait, but it was completely booked for the day when I arrived about 1 hour after opening. I'm lucky that Mason is too young to care or I would have had a nasty tantrum on my hands after 2 failed Santa attempts!

His school managed to book Santa at the last minute, but I wasn't expecting much. I was planning to hit the mall one night after work because I MUST have a memory of his second Christmas, right? Lucky for me, DCA came through and got a great shot! Mason was the ONLY child in his class that would sit in Santa's lap. My child seriously has no fear at all. I guess I'll have to plan ahead next year and get a spot with the coveted Phipps Santa.

1 comment:

  1. Next year we'll have to get Mason to the "farm" to see Santa! No waiting! There definitely are advantages to living in the country, huh?? "Ho Ho Ho" from Cochran!
