Saturday, October 22, 2011

Life with a Toddler

This look is all too common these days. Each week gets a little more challenging as my sweet baby boy becomes a full-fledged toddler. A few weeks ago, I pulled out the old 'What to expect the Toddler years' book since we could use a few tips these days... The very first section I read started "as the world begins to open up, the toddler begins displaying a wide range of emotions, including affection, independence, frustration, fear, anger, protest, stubbornness, sadness and puzzlement". That pretty much sums it up!! Any given hour we can see ALL of those!

I do love that he is showing more affection and he loves to give 'hugs' and 'kisses' to us and Shadow. It is so sweet! And we're in a bit of a 'mommy' phase where he wants to be with me all the time and gets upset when I leave the room. He's learning new things so quickly and is becoming very independent. He's into anything and everything and doesn't like being told 'no' AT ALL. He's started throwing little tantrums when he doesn't get his way, which is my least favorite thing. We're working on it and have made a little progress. His favorite words are 'uh-oh' (which is says to everything), 'bye', and 'ball'. The latter 2 are easily confused, but you can tell the difference because he usually waves when saying 'bye'.

Although I do love that he is interacting and learning so much, we are definitely getting our first test as parents! Let the fun begin!

1 comment:

  1. Dee said to tell you..."Just send him to the farm whenever you get tired of him"! Mimi agrees! We love you, sweet Mason!
