12 month stats:
- Weight - 21.6 lbs (30%); Height - 29.75" (50%); Pretty good considering he was in the 10th% in height at 9 mos!
- Eating 3 solid meals, plus 1-2 snacks and lots of formula. We got the go ahead to switch to whole milk, so we'll be transitioning soon. We're still struggling with table food. He just isn't interested and usually makes himself throw up if we force it. The doctor said to be patient and keep trying and he'll eventually get it. I'm a little worried we're going to have a picky eater...
- He currently has 5 teeth (2 top and 3 bottom) and we're on the lookout for more any time. I feel like he's been teething constantly for 3 months with no end in sight!
- His sleeping has regressed a little since he started teething. He generally sleeps 8pm-6:30am (sometimes earlier - any tips on how we can get him to sleep a little later PLEASE??) and he occasionally wakes up overnight.
- He's VERY vocal - definitely saying 'mama' and 'dada' (and means it). No other 'real' words yet, but almost constant baby jibberish. He thinks he is really having a conversation with you, which is very cute.
- He never sits still and gets around pretty well by scooting and pulling up on anything. We can't take our eyes off of him for a minute. Thankfully, we're almost done baby-proofing!
We are so thrilled to see the "first year stats"! Our sweet little baby is looking more like a sweet little boy! We are thankful he loves his school...just like his mommy did...and we are so happy things are going so well for all of you! We hope to see you soon! Much love..