He is definitely more alert and active when he's awake and we're starting to see a little bit of a personality. So far, he is a very laid back baby (the nurses say he is very 'chill') and we have only heard him cry a few times when he was really being messed with. I hope this continues when he comes home, but somehow I doubt it! His hair color seems to change almost daily and lately it's looking a little red!? Chris and I have gotten into a good routine of visiting him once in the morning and at night and we stay several hours each time. It gets harder and harder for mom to leave him every time we visit. We can't wait to get him home, although we know that is several weeks away.
Again, thanks for everyone's thoughts and prayers. We have to keep reminding ourselves that he isn't supposed to be born yet and he just needs time. And mom and dad just need to learn to be patient! Here are a few pictures from his second week.
Grandma and Grandpa H came to visit this week and Grandma got to hold Mason for the first time. Look how sweet! I think the grandmas will be fighting over him before too long :-)
Mason making faces at us during his feeding. We used to think they were cute until we realized it's caused by the reflux!
He is precious! I love the one of him in his little outfit. You three continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.....