Friday, March 12, 2010

Pink or Blue???

First, and most importantly, the baby is healthy and growing! All vital organs look good and development is right on track. And now what everyone wants to know - we DID find out the gender and... it's a BOY!!!

We have undeniable picture proof. He was not shy about showing 'the goods', although Chris and I decided it was a bit inappropriate to post for the world to see. He was, however, being shy about showing his face, so we didn't get any good profile shots.

Chris and I are ecstatic to be having a son and are mostly relieved that he appears to be healthy and progressing as expected! I'm now 2 days shy of the halfway point (20 weeks) and praying that everything continues to go well. I'm sure the second half will fly by!


  1. Happy, Happy, Happy!!! Dee, Lamar, & I are soooo thrilled for you & Chris!! A Little "special"!! He's no longer an "it"!! Thank you so much for sharing that with us! Now we can shop for those cute little boy things...think BLUE!! We pray that things continue to go well, and hope these next four months will "fly" by! We love you!!

  2. We are so happy for you and thrilled to have a Baby Boy H. to look forward to!! I know you are taking such special care of yourself and Chris is right beside you every step of the way. Do you think you will need a pediatric nurse to do some cuddling?

    With love and heartfelt thoughts everyday.
    Aunt Susan
