People are always telling me that my boys look exactly alike. Honestly, I see the resemblance, but I never thought they were practically twins like people suggest. But last night I was cleaning out some old pictures on my phone and I started quizzing Chris on whether the picture was Mason or Matthew. Chris got it wrong almost every time :-). So I thought it would be fun to post a few pictures in case anyone wants to take the test. Answers and approx age are at the very bottom, so don't cheat!
Picture A |
Picture B |
Picture C |
Picture D |
Picture E |
Picture F |
Picture G |
Answers: A: Matthew (2 mos), B: Mason (3 mos), C: Matthew (3 mos), D: Mason (5 mos), E: Matthew (4 mos), F: Matthew (4 mos); G: Mason (5 mos)
I can't wait to watch my boys grow up and see if they continue to look alike!