As Mason gets older, it's pretty funny to see the things he gets infatuated with. He's definitely all boy when it comes to toys and such. Here's a few current Mason obsessions.
Elmo! We can't get enough of this little guy all of a sudden. Thankfully, Mimi sent us some new Elmo DVDs because mommy and daddy were getting very tired of the one we owned.

Buddy Fruit. They claim this stuff is pure fruit, so at least it's healthy, right? Mason could eat 12 a day if I let him. We've had to move/hide the buddy fruit twice now. He's upset here because I wouldn't open it for him (I think he had already had 3).

Balls (all boy!)!! He loves to sit in his wagon with every single ball he owns (as pictured). Then, he throws them all out of the wagon and expects one of us to retrieve them.

The Park! He loves playing outside and especially loves the slide now. When we pass by the park and DON'T stop (which is almost any time we leave the house), he gets very upset.

Remote controls, cell phones, and pretty much any small electronic device. As I sit here typing, he has brought me my cell phone and 2 remotes. Again, all boy!