Mason's vocabulary has really taken off in the past few weeks and I thought I'd share a few words from the toddler dictionary. Sometimes it takes a little while before Chris and I pick up on what he is saying. They've also taught him lots of signs at school and he's very good at using them, but they don't always tell mom and dad what they mean. He still does lots of grunting, whining and pointing, which is frustrating for all of us, so we're really working on our words and signs.
Buh-bye, uh-oh and whoa are still favorites
Ball & Foo-ball- Yes, he knows the difference. And anything round is a 'ball'
El-MOE! He suddenly loves this little guy and recently started saying 'Elmo' vs. just 'Mo'
Mo - not to be confused with Elmo, this is either 'More' or 'Movie' (usually pointing at the TV for a movie). He also uses 'mo' to mean 'I want something else' becuase he will start saying it the second I put food in front of him if it's not what he wants.
Baht - Bath. His favorite time of the day. He usually starts requesting his 'baht' after dinner
Scoo - School
Nack - Snack. And when he starts asking, you better provide something quick!
Nana - banana (and of course, 'Nana' when she comes to visit :-)
Jewce & Mil - juice and milk
Ough - Outside. He's always asking to go outside to play, but the weather has been horrible lately!
Dat - Cat. who still wants nothing to do with him
Dah - Dog. who still won't leave him alone - especially since Mason usually shares his 'Nack'
Wal - walk. He no longers likes to be carried and wants to 'wal' everywhere
Shoooos - Shoes. He wants to put them on by himself so bad
Teef - Teeth. He has to brush his teeth BY HIMSELF, which means there isn't much brushing happening. Oh well, it's just baby teeth.
Nigh-Nigh - 'Night Night' and he usually blows kisses when we head to his room
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
A few videos
We're doing fine, but staying very busy as usual. Here are a few short videos of Mason taken over the past few months. He's very good with his animal sounds, pointing out his body parts, and as you can see, we probably watch a little too much football in our house. I gotta say, I'm kinda glad the season is over!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Christmas 2011
Just wanted to share a few pictures from Christmas. Nana and Grandpa came up to visit, but had to cut their trip short because Nana was sick. We were very blessed to have both of our parents here for dinner the day after Christmas. Mason was a bit overwhelmed by all of the presents and people, but he definitely enjoyed it. He's still too young to understand what was going on. Maybe next year! Of course, he got tons of toys and we've had fun playing with them all week. It was a very nice holiday at home, but after a week home with a toddler, I'm exhausted and ready to get back into our routine!
Here's Mason and Daddy after Christmas eve service at our church.
And Christmas morning - looks like Santa came!
Playing with his Little People Zoo
Mommy and Shadow being silly on Christmas morning
He loves his table and chairs from Mimi and Dee - just his size
And of course, the football from DADDY (I put a tag on it from 'mom & dad' and Chris crossed out 'mom' :-)
Rock-n-roll Elmo from Nana and Grandpa was a big hit
Close up of my sweet boy
Merry Christmas everyone!! I can't believe next Christmas we will have TWO little ones!
Here's Mason and Daddy after Christmas eve service at our church.
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