Now that our child will not sit still for ONE MINUTE, all of my blogging time is spent chasing him around the house trying to keep him out of anything and everything. He is definitely ALL BOY and very inquisitive! Chris did a great job of baby proofing, as you can see from the baby jail picture, which thankfully, is keeping him from tumbling down the stairs!

Yet he still manages to find something to get into... Don't worry, it's just a basket of stuffed dog toys - he's fine! He also loves playing in Shadow's food and water bowls (he even tasted some the other day -
yumm!). We're trying to figure out a spot to keep them out of his reach, but still allow the dog to eat and drink. Not easy...

We had a fun and relaxing July 4
th weekend with my family at the lake. Mason truly loves the water. His favorite thing to do now is to sit on the side of the pool and jump into my arms. I considered trying to find him some swim lessons for this summer, but I think we'll just continue getting him used to the water and do formal lessons next summer. Here he is after a 'few too many' at the pool (it's a joke people - no calling
DFACS please).

And watching TV in the air-conditioning with his Uncle Lamar.

Unfortunately, Mason got sick on the Fourth of July and spent most of the following week battling his very first ear infection. It probably would not have been so bad had it not been accompanied by bronchitis and the croup. It was a long week for everyone, but he's back to his old self now! Here are a few pictures from the past few weeks. I can't get him to sit still long enough for many pictures these days.
We try to go outside everyday, but it has been
SOOOO HOT (heat index was 110 the other day)! I wish we had access to a pool at home.

Mason and Shadow longing to be outdoors.

I think it's about time for someone to get a haircut? I don't mind 'shaggy', but it's starting to look more 'homeless'.

And this is the reason we have fewer pictures these days. Even when I try, I usually get something like this... he's always on the move!